Export > Markets
David Doninotti: Products from the agricultural sector, chemical products and raw materials, finished or semi-finished products in the metallurgical sector will be well received in the Italian market

The General Secretary of Aice - Associazione Italiana Commercio Estero to exporter.bg
"We are mainly focused on trading opportunities. So we will be happy to receive offers for export to Italy or a request for import from Italy independently from the economic sector," says David Doninotti.
In a series of interviews, exporter.bg - Bulgaria's export site, will present the activities of the Confederation of International Trading Houses Associations (CITHA) and its members - an organization founded as far back as 1956.
Mr. General Secretary, would you introduce your association?
- Aice – Associazione Italiana Commercio Estero is the Italian Association of Foreign Trade and represents Italian companies dealing with import and export activities. Our members cover almost all the economic sectors and have activities in almost all the Countries in the world. We offer our members a complete assistence in their activities on foreign markets. We also give support to foreign firms that are itnerested in finding business opportunities on Italian market.
What is your impression of the investment and business environment in Bulgaria? Would companies from your association invest in our country?
- It seems interesting. We are mainly focused on trade opportunities. So we will be glad to receive offers for export to Italy or request for import from Italy independentely from the economic sector.
Which Bulgarian goods would be well received in Western markets, in particular in the country you represent?
- Products fro agricultural sector, chemical products and raw materials, finished or semi-finished products in the metallurgic sector.
By Dimitar Dzhenev
(Expect interviews with presidents of associations from other CITHA member states who, together with Jan Krückemeyer, visited Bulgaria during the Confederation's annual meeting.)