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The Team That Creates Stainless Steel Solutions

Eng. Milko Tsvetkov, owner of TM INOX Ltd in front of The three main components of successful business are: price, delivery time and quality.
The company is specialized in manufacturing of stainless steel equipment for the foodstuffs, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
"We are one team. We create stainless steel solutions”. In this way eng. Milko Tsvetkov, owner of one of the fastest growing companies in Plovdiv -" TM INOX "describes his work. The company was founded in 2006 as a commercial and engineering company to realize the marketing mix of the products of "Tomika-Metal" JSC on the European and International market.

Stainless silos for storing granular plastic.
The company is specialized in manufacturing of stainless steel equipment for the foodstuffs, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. It produces tanks for liquid, powder and bulk materials, as well as specialized equipment - reactors, heat exchangers, and parts of complex systems.
Because each project is specific, to achieve a good balance between performance, functionality and overall investment, it is required to maintain a close contact with the client.
More than 20 years "Tomika-Metal" offers to its clients professional equipment for wineries and dairies. Different types of tanks for fermentation, vessels for processing and storage, and other auxiliary equipment have been utilized in Macedonia, Romania, Belgium, France, Germany and other countries.
Wine storage tanks.
A lot of distilleries for essential oils are produced by "TM INOX". The company exports them to Greece and Romania.
“The three main components of successful export are – price, delivery time and quality.” says Milko Tsvetkov. Approximately 90% of the products of “TM INOX” is for export. One part of it is sold direct to the final client and the rest through commercial representatives.
The company has representatives in Macedonia and Serbia - (TAKOM GROUP), Romania, Moldova, Ukraine - (TM INOX), Greece - (Darco Hellas SA) and Belgium / Benelux - (STAES). Not a small part from the sales “TM INOX” accomplishes as a subcontractor of world companies in the field of the foodstuffs industry – GEA, SPX, TETRA PAK.
In England the Bulgarian company took part in the construction of a factory for powder milk, in Brazil - for industrial filters, in France – for evaporator system for concentrated milk. In the United States, Russia, and Czech Republic "TM INOX" has supplied equipment for breweries.

Heat exchanger - a part of an installation for production of milk powder.
At present the company and its three plants - in Plovdiv, Svishtov and Chirpan, employs over 300 employees. The strategy of "TM INOX" is to have modern and time-saving machines.
The engineers and the specialists visit annually over 10 international exhibitions around the world to follow the latest trends in the industry. The company has a quality certificate ISO 9001:2008, as well as a certificate for the production of equipment for the foodstuffs industry.
The brand of “TMINOX” is already known on the international market and is a symbol of high quality products and loyal attitude to the customers.
Contacts: TM INOX ltd, Bulgaria, Plovdiv, Brezovsko shousse str. 176
Phone.: +359 32 90 10 60, Fax: +359 32 90 10 61, e-mail:
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